Friday 31 August 2012

It's been a while...

I've been SO busy this month, it's been the best Summer yet! I have so many stories to tell but frankly, I'm far too lazy to write them all so here's a brief catch up on my month...
I went away to the gorgeous island of Cyprus on July 22nd. It was so so hot and sunny. 52 degrees C one afternoon! During this holiday I drank my weight in cocktails and Coca Cola and read a couple of books (Atonement- it was amazing, and Shawshank Redemption- also amazing.)
Didn't take many photos as it required effort carrying around my huge camera every time we left the villa but here are a handful I did manage to take:
Plane journey, obviously. (5.5 hours!!!)

Our villa

Our local bar run by Geordies

My bedroom


Mafia house next to the beach

CHERRY 7UP. You can't find this anywhere and it's amazing.

Hm, which one is me??

BBQs every night

Cyprus went so fast and I missed everyone at home loads. Two nights later I was on the plane to Barca where I took a lot more photos:

First night, looking naked.

Soo good

Me and my cousin's daughter Sienna

First day, bit pale..

Gorgeous Sienna

7am sunrise on the beach

Loving life playing boules (with a tan!)

Early morning breakfast with Ryan by the pool

Catchin' some rays on Barcelona beach

Last day waiting for the train on the beach

It's true...

My first Maccies since the beginning of July!

After Spain, we drove through France and stopped at a number of different places in the South, it was amazing and very different to your usual holiday..
Family pic

My dream car!

Me and some loser...

Pizza in the south of France

Evening drinks


Campsite curry!


Hotel that we had to stop at at 4am... hm

Me, pondering

The best part of the holiday was being told that we were going to DISNEYLAND PARIS! I was so, so excited to go as I've never been before. We were there from 9am until 1am, my body was aching for 3 days afterwards but it was SO worth it (and was affordable). 

We're almost there!!

My Goofy burger

Absolutely shat my pants on this ride

Didn't take this off ALL DAY

Me and my little sister (I was more excited than her)

Finding Nemo ride

Something's not right with Sully..


Lilo & Stitch

Woody & Jessie

Mickey & Minnie!

Little Aristocat Olivia

Ryan and I

Evening castle

2 hour wait in a queue with throbbing feet and legs

Castle at 9.30pm

Late night tea at Annette's diner

Goodbye Disney village

This is so cliche but it literally is the magical place ever, the parades were amazing and the night show was breath taking. I would love to go again or maybe even save up and go to the one in Orlando!

Finally after a loooong journey home, I arrived home on August 21st, leaving me just a couple of hours to pack for LEEDS FESTIVAL! This was such an amazing week. 

Being inappropriately drunk at 5pm on the Thursday (I have shorts on okay)

My poor chair..

First picture of the weekend! Before we vacated to yellow camp from blue 

Steve, James, Ella

Stoned Bop It at 9am

First full day and already looking rough

... gay

Connor is not okay

Me and Kay

First band of the weekend, Of Monsters and Men, they were amazing!

Hannah trying to nap during BFMV

The Black Keys, Friday night


Ella being happy in the rain after Foos

Me and Kay, Saturday morning

Waiting for Deaf Havana

Deaf Havana, first band on Saturday


Some cereal people

Angels and Airwaves, so good!

Crystal Castles, fucking weird


Bored waiting...

Waiting for Cancer Bats

Bombay Bicycle Club


The best noodles ever

Waiting for Hannah to get her henna tattoo


Odd Future (shit)

Being sad over the rain



Rou, Enter Shikari, Sunday

Liam, Ella, Kay and me in the Festival Republic tent


Mike Duce being sexy

With 2 of 3 of my gals waiting for Kasabian on the Sunday night

Vans were a bad choice on the last day


Tom Meighan, mm

Silent disco with Kay, Sunday night

The Monday morning...

So yea, eventful Summer! Tomorrow I'm having a house party to celebrate my 18th, super excited!