Friday 24 February 2012

New blog!

I've always just used social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.) and decided to make an actual blog containing thoughts and random posts about my day/opinions and stuff like that. I doubt anyone will read it but it's nice to have somewhere to keep things that I can look back on and probably laugh..
So anyway, this post can be dedicated to.. me.. As self-centered as that sounds hahaha.
This is me (about 2 months ago)...

Okay you know my name/age/where I'm from blah blah blah.. I'm listening to music really loudly at the moment so it's almost impossible for me to write in complete sentences because I have the attention span of a spoon. So, I'll bullet point things about myself instead
  • I was born and raised in Anfield, Liverpool but moved to north Wales when I was 11. I do miss living in a city, being able to just walk to the shop for something or meet up with people quickly was a lot easier than here. There's not much to do but it's really friendly and "clean".
  • I have two rabbits called Carrots (my little sister named that one...) and Jessica, two chickens called She-rah and Zelda (I had 4 more but 3 died and 1 was a cockerel who made too much noise), a dog called Zuki and two salamanders who don't have names I don't think, which is kind of mean. 
  • My favourite band ever is Arctic Monkeys.. me and Alex Turner DID MAKE EYE CONTACT when I saw them in Liverpool.. it was beautiful 
  • I have a fab boyfriend called Ryan and we've been together since September 27th 2010 :-) 
  • I have two best friends called Ella and Kay, they're my favourite girls ever and we've been friends for 5 years now
  • I used to play violin and play hockey for north Wales as well as playing football for Merseyside girls team before I moved to Wales, I now have no talents, boo
  • I say things how they are, no bullshit. Liars are the worst and people who think it's okay to give but not take. Also I hate being taken for granted/used
I think that's enough for now. I plan on actually updating this unlike some websites I'm signed up to. 

You can follow me on Twitter here

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