Friday 23 March 2012

Been lacking in the "blog" posts lately. I say "blog" cause it's a bit of a failure isn't it?! Not much of a blog, more of a.. personal, pointless page full of random things with no relevance.
Last few weeks have been weird. Here are some photos..

So yeah, we had mother's day. My nanna came over for dinner and it was cute :-) Also got my braces off and bought some new shoes (boys shoes as usual). I should start being more girly..
Probably won't update much in the next few weeks as I need to be getting on with revision for my upcoming exams, so scared. OH, I also got an A in my first exam which was a nice surprise! Ridiculously excited for Summer too as I'm going to Cyprus and then I get back, have my 18th birthday party, have a friend stay for a couple of days and then I'm off to Leeds festival at the end of August, gonna be amazing.

Friday 9 March 2012

Hair post

I got a few Twitter direct messages a while ago on how I do my hair colour, it's pretty straight forward but I'll go over it anyway (there will probably be a lot of photos of me in this post, I apologise for the vain-ness)
Going to start this silly post with an FAQ:
How many times have you dyed your hair? I've been LOADS of different colours (pretty much everything bar green and neon colours) so I've kind of lost count on how many times exactly
Is your hair damaged from all the dyeing? No it's not, I condition the ends every time I wash it and I avoid hair products (hairspray, mousse, serum etc.) and heat like straighteners and blow dryers
How many times have you bleached it and what bleach did you use? I've bleached it properly 4 times and I used Schwarzkopf Live XXL in platinum blonde and Bblonde permanent highlighting kit 

What colour do you use and in what shades? I always use La Riche Directions cause it's only £3.50 per tub and last ages when I bleach my hair. I've used pillarbox red, tangerine, poppy red, cerise pink, carnation pink, violet, dark tulip, fire, coral red, mandarin and plum. I've also used boxes of dye of all different kinds when I first started dyeing my hair
How do you keep your hair so bright? Washing it as little as possible (as gross as that sounds) by using a lot of dry shampoo and using warm (not hot) water only. Also adding hair dye to conditioner with a ratio of about 1:4 and leaving it on for over an hour works really, really well and keeps my hair really soft ad healthy
Isn't your hair falling out from all of the colours you use? NO! I get asked this ALL THE TIME and it's so repetitive and boring. The Directions hair dye is a semi-permanent hair dye and is very conditioning. If anything, it's doing good for my hair cause it's just like a coloured conditioner. I only bleach my hair about 3 times a year so it's hardly doing any damage 

How long do you leave your dyes on for? You're supposed to leave the Directions dye on for about 15-20 minutes but the colour washes out a lot faster that way so I put mine on for about 45 minutes or until it starts to dry on my hair

Colours I've been...

Monday 5 March 2012

This is me today, my hair is insane...
I feel really accomplished/good about myself today because I went to the gym and drank lots of water and when I got home I did all my work, tidied my room and fed the animals all before 5pm! Hahaha I'm easily pleased I know...
This is a boring blog post. 

Friday 2 March 2012


This is my personal opinion on feminism so don't be going ape shit on me if you're into this topic. In my opinion,  I believe that women do deserve equality and men and women should have the same rights. But what I don't understand is the extremes that some women go to to convey this. Some just assume that all men are arseholes and women are the better sex. Some women think that not shaving themselves to show that they don't have to seem attractive to men is ridiculous. How can they honestly say that they think this is a good look?
I mean come on, it looks stupid. How does she feel sexy or even clean looking like that? I just think that SOME feminists could show their opinion in a better way rather than doing acts like that and being down right rude towards all men.
Not been updating very much, mainly because I don't have much time because of sixth form work and I can never think of anything to write about!
Finished sixth form today at 11am, had to have my braces readjusted and now I'm home alone. Spending the weekend in Liverpool with Ryan and my dad and we're hopefully going to see my new baby cousin Esme Grace on Saturday. Today I'm happy cause I got a text from EMA after receiving no money for three weeks: