Friday 23 March 2012

Been lacking in the "blog" posts lately. I say "blog" cause it's a bit of a failure isn't it?! Not much of a blog, more of a.. personal, pointless page full of random things with no relevance.
Last few weeks have been weird. Here are some photos..

So yeah, we had mother's day. My nanna came over for dinner and it was cute :-) Also got my braces off and bought some new shoes (boys shoes as usual). I should start being more girly..
Probably won't update much in the next few weeks as I need to be getting on with revision for my upcoming exams, so scared. OH, I also got an A in my first exam which was a nice surprise! Ridiculously excited for Summer too as I'm going to Cyprus and then I get back, have my 18th birthday party, have a friend stay for a couple of days and then I'm off to Leeds festival at the end of August, gonna be amazing.

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